LoR Meta Report – Patch 4.2 Week 3 – Best Ladder Decks

Meta Report Patch 4.2 week 3 showcases all the data you need to understand the meta and start your climb.

We’re drawing closer to the end of the beta season, and after three weeks of patch 4.2, we still see minor shifts in the meta.

Aggressive decks are gaining popularity, countering the top of the meta and giving anti-aggro decks more room to shine.

Sources: The 290k matches of data from March 14 to March 20 are from Runeterra.AR and LLor.

Most Successful Archetypes

Tier 1 (Annie Jhin, Jayce Lux, Garen Jarvan IV, Heimerdinger Jayce (SI), Miss Fortune Twisted Fate, Gwen Quinn)

Miss Fortune Twisted Fate joins Tier 1, becoming the second-best aggressive deck in the meta after Annie Jhin. Aggressive decks will have negative effects on a couple of top performers like Jayce Lux and Jax Ornn while also providing Heimerdinger Jayce (SI) with a better ladder experience.

Gwen Quinn has been keeping a 55% win rate on the ranked ladder for over two weeks, it’s been acting as a solid anti-meta deck especially with aggressive decks gaining popularity.

Tier 2 (Evelynn Kai’Sa, Ryze IO, Ziggs Taliyah, Jax Ornn, Kayle Leona, Lucian Evelynn, Azir Irelia, Evelynn Viego, Kalista Nocturne, Fiora Shen, Twisted Fate Illaoi, Norra Swain, Seraphine Twisted Fate Viktor, Norra Veigar, Norra Gnar NX, Annie Ezreal NX, Tristana Gnar NX, Gwen Katarina, Trundle Tryndamere (SI), Ekko Jinx (SH), Gangplank Sejuani, Zilean Nasus, Akshan Varus, Twisted Fate Swain, Pyke Rek’Sai, Heimerdinger Norra, Twisted Fate Annie, Rumble Vayne, Zed Hecarim, Azir Xerath)

A lot of diversity in Tier 2. Ziggs Taliyah held up for a while as a Tier 1 anti-meta deck but has dropped back to Tier 2 after Annie Jhin and Miss Fortune Twisted Fate started seeing more play.

Meme Tier

Mono Zilean has been seeing some play on the ranked ladder. The deck wants to set up an early Zilean and continuously play Time Bombs and Hexite Crystals to burn the opponent’s Nexus down.

The archetype is quite unique, but unfortunately, it has been failing tremendously on the ranked ladder, holding a 36.26% win rate on the ranked ladder.

Underplayed and Overplayed Archetypes

In the chart below, I’ve plotted win rates versus play rates for 21 decks to demonstrate which archetypes can be seen as the ‘kings’ in the current meta, and which decks can be labeled as ‘overplayed’ or ‘underplayed’.

The Y-Axis represents the win rate whereas the X-Axis represents the play rate.

Meta Kings: Annie Jhin. The aggressive deck quickly rose in popularity, becoming the most-played deck on the ranked ladder. Its ability to beat the popular Jayce Lux and a lot of anti-meta decks has landed it at the top of Tier 1.

Overplayed: Zilean Nasus. The Vaults of Helia deck has been seeing more play on the ranked ladder. However, the deck fails to maintain at least a 50% win rate, and it’s currently not a good choice for a serious ladder climb.

Underplayed: Miss Fortune Twisted Fate. The aggressive burn deck has the highest win rate among the top 21 most-played decks. It’s a great pick to start climbing the ladder, and it’s slowly starting to see more play.

Hidden Gems:

XxWhatamIxX has played this elusive Teemo Zoe deck and found success with it. The deck has a 57.7% win rate across all ranks.

Zoe Teemo (PNZ) wants to set up a board of elusive units and start chipping away at the opponent’s Nexus.

The list runs equipment such as The Darkin Lodestone and Draconic Bands to buff up your units and start threatening to push more damage.

Additionally, Pale Cascade, Purifying Flames, and Battle Bonds are important cards to keep units alive and deal more Nexus damage.

Balance Watch: Ryze. It’s been a while since I brought up Ryze in the balance watch. The champion has been seeing more play this past week and holds a 50% win rate in the Master rank. The majority of the community has been frustrated with Ryze’s playstyle, which leaves no counter room for many archetypes and forces the meta to constantly counter Ryze Ionia with aggressive decks to keep it in check.

Blocking Badgerbear. The three-mana unit has been a popular inclusion in all Demacia decks. It’s a better version of Loyal Badgerbear, has more stats, blocks elusive units, and is an Elite.

Most Popular Archetypes

Annie Jhin created by Sorry • last updated 1 year ago

Annie Jhin takes the throne as the most-played deck on the ranked ladder. The aggressive archetype has a 56.66% win rate on the ranked ladder. Its ability to beat many popular decks has given Annie Jhin a huge boost on the ladder.

Good Matchups: Jayce Lux, Ryze IO, Jax Ornn.

Bad Matchups: Garen Jarvan IV, Heimerdinger Jayce (SI), Gwen Quinn.

Jayce Lux’s dominance has slowly faded after the meta adapted to it. It dropped to the second rank in terms of play rate, and similarly, Jayce Lux’s win rate dropped to 53.77%.

Good Matchups: Garen Jarvan IV, Ryze IO, Pyke Rek’Sai.

Bad Matchups: Annie Jhin, Jax Ornn, Taliyah Ziggs.

Garen Jarvan IV continues a solid performance on the ranked ladder. Its ability to keep up with the rising aggressive decks solidified its position on the ranked ladder. The Demacia Elites deck has a 54.81% win rate on the ranked ladder.

Good Matchups: Annie Jhin, Ryze IO, Azir Irelia.

Bad Matchups: Jayce Lux, Heimerdinger Jayce, Jax Ornn.

Ryze IO is picking up on the ranked ladder, rising in both play rate and win rate. The deck is currently in the top 5 most played decks with a 49.42% win rate across all ranks and a 50.5% win rate in the Master rank.

Good Matchups: Jax Ornn, Nasus Zilean, Gangplank Sejuani.

Bad Matchups: Jayce Lux, Annie Jhin, Garen Jarvan IV.

Heimerdinger Jayce is still holding up well on the ranked ladder, and with aggressive decks on the rise, the archetype should have a better position on the ladder. The archetype has a 54.83% win rate across all ranks and a 55% win rate in the Master rank.

Good Matchups: Garen Jarvan IV, Annie Jhin, Ryze IO.

Bad Matchups: Ziggs Taliyah, Gwen Quinn, Azir Xerath.

Evelynn Kai’Sa is holding a 50% win rate across all ranks. The archetype’s win rate has been slowly falling off.

Good Matchups: Jayce Lux, Ryze IO, Taliyah Ziggs.

Bad Matchups: Annie Jhin, Jax Ornn, Pyke Rek’Sai.

Pyke Rek’Sai is in the top 10 most-played decks; it has a win rate of 52.48% across all ranks.

Good Matchups: Ryze IO, Evelynn Kai’Sa, Azir Irelia.

Bad Matchups: Jayce Lux, Taliyah Ziggs, Gangplank Sejuani.

Ziggs Taliyah has dropped a bit with the rise of aggressive decks. Overall, it’s still holding up well on the ranked ladder, with a 53.5% win rate across all ranks.

Good Matchups: Jayce Lux, Garen Jarvan IV, Heimerdinger Jayce.

Bad Matchups: Annie Jhin, Jax Ornn, Azir Irelia.

Zilean Nasus has struggled on the ranked ladder, with a 48% win rate across all ranks and a 47.3% win rate in the Master rank.

Good Matchups: Jayce Lux, Azir Irelia, Gangplank Sejuani.

Bad Matchups: Annie Jhin, Ryze IO, Taliyah Ziggs.

With aggressive decks rising, Jax Ornn has been slowly dropping in win rate. It currently has a 54.64% win rate across all ranks.

Good Matchups: Jayce Lux, Garen Jarvan IV, Taliyah Ziggs.

Bad Matchups: Annie Jhin, Ryze IO, Azir Irelia.

Sejuani Gangplank created by Sorry • last updated 1 year ago

Gangplank Sejuani is one of the best choices for a safe pick on the rank ladder. It has a solid matchup table and performs decently against most of the deck. Gangplank Sejuani has a 54.64% win rate across all ranks and a 55% in the Master rank.

Good Matchups: Jayce Lux, Pyke Rek’Sai, Taliyah Ziggs.

Bad Matchups: Ryze IO, Garen Jarvan IV, Azir Irelia.

Gwen Quinn is performing well on the ranked ladder; it beats popular decks, making it a solid choice as an anti-meta deck. The deck has a 55.5% win rate across all ranks.

Good Matchups: Jayce Lux, Annie Jhin, Ryze IO.

Bad Matchups: Garen Jarvan IV, Jax Ornn, Gangplank Sejuani.

Azir Irelia is performing decently on the ranked ladder; it has a 52.16% win rate across all ranks.

Good Matchups: Ryze IO, Jax Ornn, Taliyah Ziggs.

Bad Matchups: Annie Jhin, Garen Jarvan IV, Kayle Leona.

Maokai Nautilus is back in the top 21 most-played decks. Deep has a 49.48% win rate across all ranks.

Good Matchups: Jax Ornn, Gangplank Sejuani.

Bad Matchups: Ryze IO, Garen Jarvan IV, Azir Xerath.

Annie Ezreal Katarina created by Sorry • last updated 1 year ago

Annie Ezreal Katarina is putting up good numbers on the ranked ladder. The deck has a 54.43% win rate across all ranks and a 54.8% win rate in the Master rank.

Good Matchups: Annie Jhin, Evelynn Kai’Sa, Azir Irelia.

Bad Matchups: Jayce Lux, Ryze IO, Garen Jarvan IV.

Remarkably, the old Fiora Shen makes an appearance in the top 21 most-played decks. The archetype has a 52.43% win rate across all ranks.

Good Matchups: Garen Jarvan IV, Jax Ornn, Azir Irelia.

Bad Matchups: Jayce Lux, Heimerdinger Jayce, Taliyah Ziggs.

Miss Fortune Twisted Fate was just shy of making it into the top 21-most played decks. However, the deck has been performing extremely well on the ranked ladder, and I wanted to add it to the article. Pirates has the highest win rate across all the top 21 decks; it’s holding a 58.3% win rate across all ranks.

Good Matchups: Jayce Lux, Annie Jhin, Ryze IO.

Bad Matchups: Garen Jarvan IV, Kayle Leona, Annie Ezreal.

Closing Words

The meta is still seeing minor changes, especially with the aggressive decks seeing more play.

This is it for this week’s Meta Report; I’ll see you at the next one!

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Alaa "TricksterSorry" Yassine is a competitive Legends of Runeterra player. His passion for card games ignited in his youth with favorites like Yugioh and Pokemon. Currently, he dedicates himself to achieving professional excellence in Runeterra, while also creating informative video and written content for the Runeterra community.

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